Term 3 Creative Learning Program

NERAM welcomes children and students of all ages to engage in our Creative Learning Programs, 2024.
Browse the Creative Learning programs on offer at NERAM in Term 2 below.
Contact our Education Officer, Lucy Wall for further information at:
education@neram.com.au / 6772 5255

Term 3 Creative Learning Program

Marks are Memories: 12th July - 20th October

Come and explore an incredible selection from the Moule Collection – a beautiful representation of contemporary First Nations artworks collected by local Professor Alex Moule and his wife Dr Judy-Ann Moule throughout their travels around Australia. These artworks are filled with colour, incredible knowledge of country and community and display a wide variety of styles employed by First Nations artists.

Students are invited to a guided tour of this exhibitions, with an optional artmaking activity to follow which focuses on patterns and textures found throughout our native wildlife.

To inform your booking process, we currently only have Monday mornings available for art activities requiring packsaddle studio (painting or sculpture) All dry mediums can be done within the gallery space at any time.

Make an enquiry here >

Wonders of Hinton, February 3 - Ongoing

Students are invited to view the new semipermanent exhibition Wonders of Hinton. Between 1929 and 1948 a collection of over 1000 artworks were donated to the newly constructed Armidale Teachers’ College by the retired shipping agent, Howard Hinton OBE (1866-1948). The collection provides a snapshot into Australian artistic practice in the early twentieth century as well as insight into colonial and post colonial Australia. Students and teachers are invited to a guided tour of the new exhibition and to participate in a storytelling exercise where in which students create a story with the paintings, this can be in pictures or words. Suitable for all ages from preschool onwards. Make an enquiry here >

Image Credit: Fred Leist, Australian Girl, n.d., oil on canvas, Gift of Howard Hinton, 1946

Revealed: Hidden Gems from the UNE Art Collection: 12th July - 1st September

Explore some hidden gems throughout this exhibition – works that are rarely able to be out on display!

This exhibition demonstrates a huge array of styles, subjects matter and mediums – which means lots of stories and inspiration for the students!

Students are invited to tour the exhibition in a more hands on manner so they can dive into the themes explored throughout. This can then be followed by optional artmaking, where we focus on a key selection of works and examine the concept of costume, colour and pattern.

Make an enquiry here >

Objective Subjective: 6th September - 20th October

To end the term with a bang, come and explore our exhibition Objective Subjective which combines selected works from our collection, newly written pieces by local creatives, and key items from the Museum of Antiquities, all brought together by a series of themes.

This is an incredible opportunity to combine a series of subjects and key learning areas all in one stop!

Students will have the choice of either a writing activity or an artmaking activity, both of which explore the concept of objects inspiring narratives.

For an additional activity for younger students, enquire about the possibility of an ‘archeological dig’ where students can dig for buried treasures!

Make an enquiry here >

Outreach Programs

Maintain a connection. Book an outreach program and bring the art museum to your classroom. Make an enquiry here>

View current programs