At NERAM we want to make sure that while our community is being responsible by staying home that they are still connected to art, culture and entertainment. So we are bringing you a new series called Quarantine Culture that points you in the direction of art related content that you can access from home.

Quarantine Culture #4 is our Front of House Coordinator, May Zarb’s top 10 favourite art history and museum inspired memes.

Now to get a bit intellectual for a second, millennial nihilistic meme culture and absurdist humour has been considered another wave of Neo-Dadaism or ‘Millennial Neo-Dadaism’. You can read about it here, here, and here. Now remember a Millennial is anyone born between 1981 and 1996, at youngest we are 23.


  1. Relatable…

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BTMjsc3FN-X/


  1. A solid 3

 Source: https://imgur.com/r/funny/VofarX9


  1. There was a time where whomever was controlling The Museum of English Rural Life twitter had an odd amount meme knowledge. The fact this came from an official farm museum Twitter is half of what makes it so amusing.

 Source: https://twitter.com/TheMERL/status/982533859114979328


  1. Picasso got me like… 

  2. Source: https://www.facebook.com/artmemesmodern/photos/rpp.1887971841443138/2013181592255495/?type=3&theater


  1. A masterpiece

Always Sunny GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Source:  https://giphy.com/gifs/art-banana-basel-VEtJks9B7igEWwCRY6


  1. Existentialism is where it’s at

Source:  https://www.facebook.com/classicalartmemes/photos/a.595162167262642/2756697937775710/?type=3&theater


  1. Uh, yeah. Of course.

    Cat. from trippinthroughtime

    Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/trippinthroughtime/comments/abaojp/cat/


  1. It’s fashion darling…

Source: https://me.me/i/when-ur-supposed-to-be-claiming-souls-but-that-fabric-15683805


  1. Winning  

Source: https://cheezburger.com/9273416448/in-your-face


  1. Created by fellow museum staff at The Field Museum

Source: https://twitter.com/FieldMuseum/status/1032324954551988224


Hope you enjoyed this edition of Quarantine Culture.

Season 3 Art GIF by The Good Place - Find & Share on GIPHY


May Zarb is the Front of House Coordinator at NERAM, and a part-time post-graduate Archaeology student. She has received BA (Hons) First Class in Ancient History, with her research focus on the goddess Hekate, and her role and placement in academic discourse on personal versus city-state religion. Aiming for the GLAM industry, May enjoys all things art and humanities and spends her down time-consuming spicy art and history memes, trawling #ClassicsTwitter, and cuddling her moggy cat Ailuros, and rabbits Jadwiga and Florence.