OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE links objects and artworks to investigate universal themes such as love, vanity, motherhood, mourning, adornment and more. A collaboration between the New England Regional Art Museum and the University of New England’s Museum of Antiquities, the exhibition also includes thought provoking texts by ten experts, drawing out the themes and giving their own unique perspectives, resulting in an absorbing exploration of ideas and viewpoints.
Co-curated by Alina Kozlovski (UNE), Belinda Hungerford (NERAM), and Bronwyn Hopwood (UNE) with texts written by Matthew Allen, James Brooks, Penny Craswell, Lily Dedman, Mahalath Halperin, Felicity Joseph, Peter Langston, Jennifer McDonell, Siobhan O’Hanlon, and Lou Streeting.
A partnership with the University of New England