Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary
If you are a New England artist who wants to improve your skills, learn new techniques or broaden your artistic horizons then you may apply for the Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary.
Applications from visual artists across the New England Region* for the 2025 Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary will open on 1 February 2025.
The bursary will be awarded to support a professional or creative development opportunity that will assist the successful artist to improve their skills, learn new techniques or broaden their artistic horizons.
The 2025 application round has been extended and will now close on 9 March 2025.
The bursary is open to artists of all skill levels – from young and emerging artists to experienced creators.
To apply please complete the online Application Form below by 6pm 9 March 2025. If you require any assistance please contact exhibitions@neram.com.au
Bursary Award
The Bursary Award for 2025 is AUD$3,500 which could be used to assist with payment of attendance/registration fees, travel and accommodation.
What can you use the bursary for?
The bursary can be used to support travel and attendance at a self-devised professional or creative development activity. Your activity must be completed by 31 January 2026. Confirmation of acceptance into your chosen activity isn’t required to apply, but will be required for payment of the bursary to the successful applicant.
Suitable activities include attending a:
– workshop
– residency
– conference
– masterclass
– course
which will assist you to develop your artistic practice.
In your application tell us what you want to do, why you want to attend and how it will help you in your artistic pursuits.
* New England region defined as the Australian Electoral Commission Federal Division of New England boundaries and includes communities of Ashford, Armidale, Barraba, Bingara, Glen Innes, Guyra, Inverell, Manilla, Murrurundi, Nundle, Quirindi, Tamworth, Tenterfield, Tingha, Walcha and Uralla.
The 2025 Helen Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary recipient will be announced on 21 March 2025.
Helen Dangar (1944-2015) was an accomplished academic at the University of New England and teacher who taught French at the New England Girls School for twenty years. Helen was very passionate about art, music and literature and took a great interest in the artistic well being of the Armidale community. The Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary celebrates her contribution and creates a lasting memorial to a much-missed person who gave so much energy and vitality to NERAM and the cultural life of Armidale and the wider region.
The Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary has been established by NERAM and our supporters to help local artists advance in their chosen career path. Each year the fund will support a local artist from the New England region attend a special professional or creative development activity. The Bursary aims to create new opportunities for regional artists to improve their practice, continuing the generosity, passion and support towards the arts that was evident throughout Helen’s life.
The Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary has been established with funds donated for the purpose by Bill Dangar, the Dangar family and their friends and colleagues.
Donations have also been made by Friends of NERAM Inc, Packsaddle and from many NERAM supporters.
The funds donated are managed on behalf of the New England Regional Art Museum by the NERAM Foundation.
Donations to support the Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary can be made to the NERAM Foundation through the New England Regional Art Museum.
The New England Regional Art Museum would like to thank the people who have supported the fundraising drive to establish the Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary.
On behalf of the family I want to thank everyone who so generously supported The Helen Dangar Memorial Art Bursary. The cause itself is a wonderful initiative by NERAM as it will greatly assist individual artists of all ages in the New England region to further improve their skills as well as promote the museum to a much wider audience. I’m sure Helen would be somewhat embarrassed by the success of the appeal but never-the-less humbled and proud that her name has been attached to such a worthy project. – Bill Dangar
Mary Abrahams, Helen & Giovanni Andreoni, Astrid Knirsch & Eric Baker, Paul Barratt, Gillian Belfield, Fred Bell, David & Airlie Bell, John & Barbara Beynon, Susan Blair, Phillip Bookallil, David & Jennifer Bowman, Maxwell Browning, Ashley Burnside, Sally Cater, Judith & Doug Chambers, Kerry & Bruce Chick, Joan & Keith Clarke, Jennifer Cobcroft, Roger & Lynn Coddington, David & Barbie Connah, Brian Connor, Terry Cooke, Charles & Dorianne Coventry, Jennifer Creal, Michael & Catherine Dangar, Bill Dangar, Alexander Dangar, Clytie Dangar, Henry Dangar & Belinda Mason, Sophia Dangar, Frederick Darvill, Shirley Davis, Susie Dunn, Mary Earnshaw, Patricia Elkin, Gail, Natasha & Michael English, Tim Fairfax, Hugh & Jane Fraser, Ross & Liz Fulloon, Rod & Di Fussell, Peter & Gai Galbraith, John & Vikki Giblin, Peter Gough, Vivienne Gregg, Rosalie Hall, James Harris, John Harris, Robert Heather, Jim & Sue Irvine, Kate Jenkins, Susannah Jenkins, Ian Johnstone, Coll King, Astrid Kirchner, Gorm Kirsch, Ross Laurie, Rick Lewers, John Lewis, Moira Lloyd, Don & Sandra Macansh, Robert Mackenzie, Margot Mackie, Richard Maddox, Bruce & Rose McCarthy, Peter & Diane McGlynn, Susan Meares, Chris Meares, Bruce & Gail Moffatt, Alistair Moore, Dennis Muller, Sally Munro, Andrew & Alex Murray, Helen Nancarrow, Libbie Nelson, Friends of NERAM, Angus & Caroline Nivison, Grant Nivison, Packsaddle, Rowan Pope, Ross & Susan Roberts, John & Geraldine Robertson, Patricia Seppelt, Dr Ira & Mrs Judy Sharlip, Paul & Fran Sundin, J. Sundin, Alexia Taylor, Bea Thompson, William Todd, Barry Tonkin, Robert Toole, John Trestrail, Lynn & Pam Vearing, Will & Pip Warrick, J & V Waters, James White, James Williams, Edward & Sally Wright, Lucinda Wright, Margaret Wright, Graham & Jan Wyles
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