There are two ways we run workshops and classes at NERAM.
External Facilitator Contact NERAM with the workshop or art class you would like to run, by filling out the form below. Facilitator’s pay an hourly venue hire fee, set their own ticket pricing, class maximum and minimum. If facilitator wishes for NERAM to manage ticketing then a small administration fee will be charged on top of the venue hire. NERAM will promote the event via our website and social media platforms.
Internal Facilitator Facilitator is approached by NERAM to host a workshop or art class. The facilitator will be paid an hourly rate. Ticketing, pricing and advertising for event is managed by NERAM. If you are interested in being on our facilitator contact list please fill out the form below and be sure to tick I would be interested in running future workshops as an internal NERAM facilitator.
What the facilitator will do:
As an external facilitator, you will take the lead in planning a workshop/classes, developing the content and delivering it to the students. A description of the workshops program and content must be provided to NERAM and agreed upon prior to commencement of any advertising.
As an internal facilitator you will collaborate with NERAM on the event and work within the guidelines provided, developing content and overall program of how the event will run. NERAM organises events as much as possible around the current exhibitions on display. Internal facilitators are contacted directly by NERAM.
Things to think about
Date for workshop. School holidays are always a winner with the kids.
Time workshop will run from and to as well as time required either side for set up and pack-down.
Lead time: NERAM aims to start advertising a minimum of 4 weeks out from the event. A minimum number of participants is set to cover costs, if this number is not reached by the agreed upon date, the class will not proceed.
NERAM will advertise workshops on the NERAM website, newsletters, Culture Club calendar, and social media platforms as appropriate. Facilitator is to supply description and high quality images to be used unless otherwise discussed with NERAM staff.
Your fee
As an internal facilitator you will be paid by the hour. NERAM aims to provide programs and workshops that are accessible as possible for everyone, ticket prices are set to cover materials, wages and fees.
As an external facilitator, please take under consideration that you will need to cover your own time, materials, and the venue hire through the cost of the workshop.
External Facilitator – Materials sourced and provided by the facilitator.
Internal Facilitator – If workshop is organised by NERAM, we will organise materials as discussed in advance with facilitator, cost will be included in ticket price.
If it is an all-day or long workshop NERAM can assist with organising catering or students can head along to Six Counties Café. Administration charges will apply.
Age group
If the workshop is aimed at children (under 18 years of age), you will need to hold a current NSW Working with Children (WWC) clearance.
Class Size
Maximum number of students set to ensure everyone has the best experience and leaves with the desired outcome, and may also be determined by the venue. A workshop or class organised by NERAM will have a minimum number of students set to ensure costs are covered. As an external facilitator it is your prerogative to decide whether a minimum is set, however we suggest doing so to ensure your venue hire charge is covered.